ELA 2/10-2/21 (periods 1,2,5)

This week we are working on our Explanatory Essay. The prompt asks students to write about how the person they choose, defended justice and human rights. For example, "How did Nelson Mandela defend justice and human rights?" Their choices of people are from the readings and analysis we have done in class. The choices are Nelson Mandela, Cesar Chavez, Gandhi and Mary Harris Jones AKA "Mother Jones" 
Two weeks ago, students were given a rubric for the assignment as well as instructions for what is expected and a graphic organizer to help formulate their two required sources for the essay. Last week they were given a graphic organizer that breaks down the essay line by line paragraph by paragraph. Additional supports such as specific graphic organizers for the body paragraphs and a power point for the introduction paragraph were also provided and are on Google Classroom. 
My tutorial is available specifically to help them with their essay and I have stayed after school on Wednesdays last, this and next week to help anyone who needs it. I am also available Monday and Thursdays after school by appointment. 
They had a writing workshop in class this week and they will be given one full class period to work on it next week. Those who are finished, will have the opportunity to do a peer and/or teacher edit. (I don't want this to be a homework-only situation.)
If you have time, ask them about their essay. The essay should look like this...
Sentence one- Hook
Sentence two - mention your first  text/source and the main idea of that source.
Sentence three -  mention your second text/source and the main idea of that source.
Sentence four - Thesis
First Body Paragraph
Sentence one- Topic sentence
Sentence two quote or concrete evidence from source/ text
Sentence three and four - your own analysis/commentary 
Sentence five - quote or concrete detail from your source/text
Sentence six and seven- your own analysis/commentary 
Sentence eight- concluding  sentence 
Second Body Paragraph
Same as the first but using the 2nd source
Conclusion paragraph
sentence one- Restate the Thesis in different words
Sentence two- call to action (give the reader something to think about)
(The essay is due next Thursday for period 2 and Next Friday for Period 1, 5 should be 12-font, Times New Roman and double-spaced)
Following next week, we will begin reading Harriet Tubman :) 
I hope this information helps. Let me know if you have any questions. 
Thank you,
Jennifer Minich