PEER Program

PEER Program has been at Adams since 2019 and is the newest addition to Adams' leadership groups, led by 8th Gr ELA teacher Andrea Cisneros and the Adams Counseling Team. This group of young leaders helps bring awareness to important social issues, educating the school through PEER- created Advisement lessons and school-wide activities.
I. Mission Statement:

The PEER Program strives to make Adams Middle School a safe and accepting environment for all students by training and empowering PEERs as leaders to educate others, spread kindness, and serve as positive role models.

II. Description:

Adams PEER Program operates under the philosophy that everyone has something valuable to offer and that fellow PEER Leaders can serve as educators to foster connectedness and acceptance. At the heart of the philosophy is the research that supports how adolescents are more likely to be influenced by their fellow peers versus their adult counterparts.

Adapted from San Francisco Peer Resource Program

III. Goals and Objectives:

  • Highlight the importance and influence of peer relationships
  • Provide opportunities for youth to help their peers and to promote positive decision making
  • Encourage collaboration and effective conflict resolution skills 
  • Advocate for acceptance and respect for diversity 
  • Promote academic achievement 
  • Reduce alcohol and drug use among youth