Parent Teacher Conferences


Individual parent conferences are conducted twice each year, once in the Fall after 1st Quarter grades and again in the Spring after 3rd Quarter grades. These conferences are for parent(s)/guardian(s) of all students receiving grades C- or lower

School will be dismissed promptly at 12:29 pm on each conference day.  Lunch will be served from 12:29 pm to 1:00 pm for all grades. We will send out advanced communication via Parentsquare to information families when conferences are approaching.

Appointment requests will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Since there is limited conferences availability, we kindly ask that you request a conference if your student received a C- or lower on his or her Quarter 1 or 3 Progress Report cards. We also request that you arrive on time and sign up with 24 hours advanced notice so teachers have an opportunity to prepare for your visit and make the best use of your time. You may also request a phone conference by indicating on the comment section “phone conference requested, please call me at (enter your phone number),” when you register for a conference.

Lastly, your children should be a part of these conversations as their progress is discussed. Please ensure your child is in attendance when meeting with his/her teachers.