Parents » Drop-off & Pick-up Procedures

Drop-off & Pick-up Procedures

Dear Eagle Families:

I would like to remind everyone of the drop-off and pick-up process off of Ripley Avenue. The entrance/exit driveway is a Fire Lane; this means that NO PARKING IS ALLOWED along the red curb.  A constant flow of traffic needs to be maintained throughout the process.

In order to help the process run smoothly, we ask that you do the following:

  • Wait patiently in the line of cars; there will only be one lane; do not pull up in front of or around other waiting vehicles. Remember to stay to the right.
  • Make sure your child has all of his/her things ready to go in order to get out of the car quickly and safely curbside (right side of vehicle).
  • If your child is not available for pick-up at dismissal time, you may be asked to exit the driveway and return.
  • We must keep a constant flow of traffic; arriving well before the dismissal bell and waiting in the lane does not meet this expectation.

Dropping-off or picking-up in the driveway is one option; you can always park your vehicle off-campus and/or walk your child to school.  If you choose this option, please be mindful of our neighbors and do not block their driveways or park in red curbs marked as fire lanes. Additionally, please be mindful of the street signs around Adams.  The Redondo Beach Police Department will ticket your vehicle if you are in a “no parking zone” around the school. Please remember, school start time is at 8:00 AM. Students who arrive after 8:05 AM must to report to the main office for a tardy slip.

In addition, please remember to utilize the kiosk in the front office to sign in and out when visiting campus. All guests must receive a guest sticker prior to volunteering on campus.  

On a somewhat related matter, we sometimes have students on campus well after dismissal time waiting for rides or roaming the campus unsupervised. As a reminder, unless otherwise noted, dismissal is as follows: Mondays 2:06 PM and Tuesday through Friday 2:50 PM.  Unsupervised students are not allowed on campus after dismissal. If child care is an issue, please contact “The Zone” our after-school, fee-based program at 310-798-8683 for more information. It is imperative that students are picked up promptly either at dismissal time or after 7th period PE which ends at approximately 4:00 PM. Students who are walking home need to exit campus at dismissal and head straight home. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and flexibility as we work to keep our campus safe for all.