Students » Student Code of Behavior

Student Code of Behavior

Adams Consequence Matrix

Please follow this link to review the Consequence Matrix: Click Here

The Consequence Matrix demonstrates how specific behaviors will be handled by the AMS faculty in the classroom and by the administration. 


Adams Citizenship/Work Habits Matrix

Please follow this link to review the Citizenship/Work Habits Matrix: Click Here


The Citizenship/Work Habits Matrix is used by teachers to grade and assign student citizenship grades.

Eagle Reflection

Please follow this link to review the Eagles Reflection: Click HERE.

The Eagle Reflection is an opportunity for a student to reflect about behavior preventing them from a successful outcome in the classroom. The teacher may ask a student to complete a reflection in order to support redirection toward positive behavior. 

I agree that there is a need for rules in order to insure my rights and the rights of others.  In this regard, the following rules are minimum expectations that, when broken, infringe upon the rights of others.  I understand that these rules encompass only a part of the entire spectrum of behavior standards that are expected at Adams Middle School.


  1. To respect my teachers and classmates by participating in class activities without disruption.
  2. To follow the directions of all staff members, including substitutes, and to respect this authority.
  3. To protect school property and people’s belongings.
  4. That the use of profanity or rudeness is not acceptable and I will communicate in a manner that is not offensive to others.
  5. To abide by the classroom policy set forth by my teachers.
  6. To follow the attendance procedures established by Adams.  I agree to come to school on time and remain on campus during the entire school day unless I have permission for an early dismissal.  I will not leave class without a hall pass.
  7. That conflict can be resolved in a healthy, constructive manner and I will not resort to physical means to reach this goal.  I will seek the help of adults if necessary.
  8. To wear shoes and appropriate (no sex, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, profanity or gang affiliation) dress while attending Adams.
  9. That gum is inappropriate on campus.

I AGREE that there are logical consequences for breaking school rules

Certain behavior may be classified as less serious than others, but are still very important to my personal success within the school setting.  These behaviors include but are not limited to:

  • Tardiness
  • Lack of Cooperation with Substitutes
  • Gum and Candy Chewing
  • Inappropriate Remarks/Behavior/Attitude/Rudeness
  • Unprepared for Class
  • Riding Bicycles, Skateboards, or Skates on Campus


I understand that one or more of the following consequences may result if I break these rules:

  • Parent Contact
  • Detention
  • Campus Cleanup
  • Written Essay


Other behaviors are classified as more serious than those previously listed. They include but are not limited to the following:

  • Cheating
  • Truancy
  • Stealing
  • Intimidation
  • Possession of:
    • Controlled Substances
    • Matches or Other Inflammables
    • Weapons
  • Vandalism
  • Fighting
  • Disrespect


I understand that one or more of the following consequences will result if I break these rules:

  • Parent Contact
  • Detention
  • Suspension
  • Loss of Privileges
  • Referral to Law Enforcement or Other Community Agencies