Welcome to the Adams Library!
The Adams Library is open to students daily during snack and lunch. Mrs. Crompton, our Library/Media Technician, is available from 9:30am to 2:00pm Monday-Friday.
Students may come into the library and work on homework, finish projects, print documents, receive Chromebook support, or just take advantage of a quiet place to read. Throughout the day, classes may schedule time in the library for activities.
Reading Books
The Adams Library offers over 11,000 different titles, both fiction and non-fiction, with multiple copies for some of our most popular reads. We offer a variety of different reading levels to support our students.
Students are welcome to borrow books for up to a month at a time. Books should be checked out at the librarian desk before they leave the library. Borrowed items may be renewed - just ask the librarian to renew an item.
Textbooks are checked out through the library and are assigned to students for the entire school year. Textbooks will be recalled during the first week of June. Unless otherwise instructed by a teacher, students are expected to keep their textbooks at home during the school year. Copies of the textbooks are available in class and a few extra copies are available in the library for reference.
Students who borrow a textbook from the library during the school day must check it out at the librarian desk before leaving the library. Books do not need to be checked out if they are simply used for reference within the library.
Students are expected to adhere to our Textbook Responsibility Policy.
The library is the hub of Chromebook distribution and maintenance. Every student receives a Chromebook and power adapter at the start of the school year. Students who experience problems with their Chromebook should bring it to the library and fill out a technical support request form - there is no need to arrange for repairs yourself!
Please visit our Chromebooks page for more information about use, care and maintenance.
A black-and-white printer is available for students who do not have access to a printer at home or need to print in an emergency. We encourage students to print at home wherever possible to avoid the usual traffic jams at snack and lunch times.
There is also a scanner, but no photocopying services in the library.
Library Life!
Library Volunteers
The Adams Library runs on volunteer power! Mrs. Crompton is ably supported by a small, dedicated group of parents who help to manage our collection, and the Library Crew students who can be found working at the librarian desk during snack and lunch. Our Crew loves to organize books and distribute textbooks and Chromebooks to their fellow students and we love them for helping!
Students, if you are interested in helping in the library and can commit to a regular shift every week, please contact Mrs. Crompton.
Alison CromptonTo call the Adams Library directly, dial 310-798-8636, ext. 3908.
If you have any gently used books or DVDs suitable for middle schoolers, please consider donating them to the Adams Library! Please contact Mrs. Crompton to discuss your donation. We also have a Little Free Library outside the back door in the Library
Quad where you can leave suitable titles. Thank you!!