School Site Council

Role of School Site Council

What is a School Site Council?

The Adams School Site Council (SSC) is comprised of 6 parents and 6 school staff members. The basic premise for the structure of this council is that the individuals closest to the students should be involved in helping to make decisions that affect the instructional program of the school. It is the responsibility of the SSC to develop a school plan that is responsive to the needs of the students, allocate resources within the school to support this plan, and annually review and update the plan and budget to meet the changing needs and priorities within the school. Membership on this council is for two years.


Education Code Section 52852 (formerly 52012) specifies that a school improvement plan shall be developed by a school site council (SSC). The law says, “The SSC shall be composed of the principal; representatives of teachers selected by teachers at the school; other school personnel selected by peers at the school; parents of pupils attending the school selected by such parents; and, in secondary schools, pupils selected by pupils attending the school.”


Middle grades SSC composition falls under the rules for secondary schools. For the first time students are included in the SSC. 


Your Adams School Site Council Team for the 2024-25 School Year: 

  1. Name



    Andrew Estrada

    [email protected]


    Brooke Mata 

    [email protected]

    Assistant Principal

    Tyler Salisbury

    [email protected]


    Patrick Wynott

    [email protected]


    Vanessa Vogelsang

    [email protected]

    Health Clerk

    Jonathan Schreter

    [email protected]


    Matha Lee

    [email protected]


    Jeanne Denton

    [email protected]


    Lara Horton-Tucci

    [email protected]



    Dana Kang

    [email protected]



    Monique Grant

    [email protected]



    Nicole Lunde

    [email protected]

    BCHD/Wellness Council

The California Education Code states the school site council should:

  • Measure effectiveness of improvement strategies at the school.
  • Seek input from school advisory committees.
  • Reaffirm or revise school goals.
  • Revise improvement strategies and expenditures.
  • Recommend the approved Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) to the governing board.
  • Monitor implementation of the SPSA


Click here to access the Adams SPSA.