Dual Immersion/Biliteracy Pathway Award

The Seal of Biliteracy Middle School Pathway Award recognizes engagement and success in the pursuit of language skills in two or more languages, affirm positive attitudes toward multilingualism, and validate the use of multiple languages for all students.  

For English Language Learners:


For English Only Students or Students Redesignated as Fluent English Proficient:

  • Overall Performance Level of 3 or higher in 8th grade on the ELPAC and CAASPP test


  • Score of 3 or higher on the CAASPP ELA in 7th grade 
  • 3.0 GPA in ELA grades 7th AND 8th


  • 3.0 GPA in both ELA and World Language classes in 7th and 8th grade
  • Oral Language Performance Score of 3 or higher in 8th grade on the ELPAC test


  • 2 years of World Language class enrollment/success 
  • 30 hours of using non-English language skills in service to school or community


  • 30 hours of using non-English language skills in service to school or community