Wellness Council
The Adams Wellness Council is comprised of school administration, staff, students and parents who meet quarterly to address issues surrounding health, safety, physical well-being, and sustainability that affect student, staff, faculty and community. As a bronze recognized Alliance for a Healthier Generation School, we are committed to creating a healthy environment where students and staff can thrive. Research indicates healthy students are better learners. We welcome our community's support in ensuring our students are eating well, staying fit and making wise lifestyle choices.
In accordance with the Alliance for a Healthier Generation tenants, students receive instruction on essential topics on healthy eating and physical activity in their core science and physical education classes over the course of their three-year academic career at Adams Middle School. A multitude of topics are covered to ensure our students learn healthy eating practices, the benefits of physical exercise, and how to make wise lifestyle choices. They include but are not limited to:
- The physical, psychological, or social benefits of healthy eating
- How physical activity can contribute to a healthy weight and the academic learning process
- Phases of an exercise session including warm up, workout, and cool down
- Overcoming barriers to physical activity and decreasing sedentary activities
- Preventing injury during physical activity How to resist peer pressure that discourages physical activity
- The relationship between healthy eating and personal health and disease prevention
- Reading and using food labels
- The importance of eating a variety of foods every day
- Eating more fruits, vegetables and whole grain products
- Balancing food intake and physical activity
- Choosing foods that are low in fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol and do not contain trans fat
- Choosing foods and beverages with little added sugars
Additionally, Adams student participate in three years of physical education to ensure they are actively engaged on a daily basis.
Lastly, we enjoy celebrating birthdays and accomplishments with our families, but we need your help in ensuring celebrations adhere to the school and District’s healthy celebrations guidelines. For a list of healthy schools celebrations ideas click here:
We welcome any suggestions you may have as well! Please contact the Wellness Council here to share your ideas.
If you are interested in joining the Wellness Council, please contact Ashley MacDonald at [email protected].