Students » Electronic Device Policy

Electronic Device Policy

The only electronic devices allowed on campus are personal cell phones, and they must be off and away BEFORE students enter the school gates. Ear buds and headphones may not be visible during the school day and will also be considered and electronic device violation. Adams Middle School and RBUSD are not responsible or liable if items are lost, damaged, or stolen.

Electronic devices may not be seen, heard or used at any time during instructional hours, which includes:  snack, lunch, passing periods, during class and restroom breaks. 

Students who fail to comply with this policy will have their personal electronic device confiscated by their teacher, campus supervisor, counselor or administrator. 

The following progressive discipline consequences will take place if a student fails to comply with this policy:

  • First confiscation of any personal electronic device - The student will be warned, a notation will be made in the student’s discipline file, and the front office staff  will return the device to the student after school. 
  • Second occurrence - The device will be confiscated and detention will be assigned. An additional notation will be made in the student's discipline file, and the front office will return the device to the student after school. 
  • A third or any further violation of this policy will result in confiscation, lengthier detention and/or Saturday school assigned, and the device will be returned during a parent conference with administration. Subsequent infractions will result in further disciplinary action, including (but not limited to) suspension. Student may be required to check phone in daily in the front office Eighth grade students will lose an 8th grade activity, not limited to promotion, for recurring cell phone violations. 


Adams Middle School and the Redondo Beach Unified School District assumes no liability or financial responsibility for theft, loss, costs, and expenses arising out of any liability or claim of liability for damage to any personal electronic device.